Travel Booking

Air Distances between Selected World Cities
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Travel Booking

Global Online Travel
Online reservation system, simply fill out the form with your preferences and submit. Or check out the vacation specials and feature articles.

Internet Travel Network
Make air, car and hotel reservations and pick up the tickets at one of ITN's 10,000 participating travel agencies worldwide.

Powerful reservation system where you can book airline tickets, rental cars, and hotels. Requires user registration.

Look up flight times and schedules, check for the lowest fares, see if a flight is on time, or register to create a personal profile.

Ticketmaster Travel Online
Make your travel reservations after viewing a multitude of options on flights and hotels. Includes a personal profile service.
Ready to make your booking? Try here for low airfares and secure airline reservations and hotel reservations, also offers vacation packages.

Uniglobe Travel Online
Comprehensive site with real-time airline reservations, tour packages, cruises, a database of over 1,100 travel agencies, and special prizes.

Check flight schedules and fares and book online, select a vacation destination or a special interest package, or browse the seasonal specials.

Indicate your travel criteria, search for flight availability, then make a reservation. With suggestions for cheaper fares.

American Express Travel Services
Order airline tickets, reserve rental cars and make hotel reservations worldwide. Service provided in conjunction with Travel Channel

Air Travel Pro
Quick and easy accesss to the major online reservation systems, accommodation and car rental, plus useful reference links.

WORLDSPAN Dates & Destinations
Check flights, fares, and rules for any destination on hundreds of airlines worldwide, then book your flight.